Read-Write Functionality
For years, programming AEI tags has been a costly, time-consuming practice that nonetheless is required per AAR regulations in order to keep railcar information up to date and keep North American lines moving safely. With the new INet Scribe tablet, re-programming tags have never been easier. For the first time in the industry, the Scribe provides an option besides the large stationary machine+monitor setup.
In INet’s new patented technology, we’ve made this dream of operators everywhere a reality. Beyond completing data collection activities such as railcar inspections, inventory, photos, etc., the INT300 series allows you to reprogram mounted AEI tags from wherever you have a working Wi-Fi or cellular connection. By utilizing OCR (optical camera recognition) technology, the tablet’s camera reads the railcar stencil and communicates with the UMLER database in order to make the necessary changes on its record. In leveraging this powerful technology, railroads, repair shops, and manufacturers can eliminate the need to order programmed tags at higher prices or take the chance of mounting tags to wrong cars, saving both time and money and further automating existing activities into more efficient practices.

REad and WRite AEI TAgs with ease
The INetRail Mobile Scribe is a cutting-edge device unlike anything currently available in the market. The Scribe combines dynamic capabilities, a Full Windows 10 operating system, and powerful features to revolutionize the way you manage AEI tags and streamline your railcar management processes.
Dual Capability: Reading and Writing AEI Tags
Query UMLER and Verify AEI Tags
On-the-Go AEI Tag Programming
Robust, Rugged Hardware
GPS, WiFi, and Cellular Communication