Industrial Networks' INetRail division specializes in delivering cutting-edge data-collection and yard management solutions tailored for both short line and Class I railroads, as well as railcar repair shops and services companies. Through the synergistic integration of AEI hardware, software applications, and the innovative INet Gateway database, the process of collecting and overseeing data from various sources has been streamlined like never before. Whether it's employing straightforward stationary AEI systems for immediate consist reporting or implementing intricate solutions for repair shops complete with inspections, imagery, interactive mapping screens, and more, INetRail stands prepared to provide the rail industry with modern, state-of-the-art technology and software solutions.

Program tags from the field
Program or re-program AEI Tags with just a few taps. Our tech utilizes OCR (optical character recognition) technology to scan car stencils and connects to the UMLER database to make appropriate changes there. No need for outdated tag programmers or late tag shipments.

Photos on-the-go
The INT300 tablet and the Photo application allow users to take photos of rail car components, inspection details, and upload them directly to your system. Photos can be associated with inspections, specific cars, etc.

Data you can count on
We work to get you the most accurate data from your activities, and changes and uploads show up in your system in real-time. Additionally, the INet Gateway acts as a hub for your car data, photos, and more.

Mobile INspections made simple
We take the inspection forms that you already use and digitize them, with complete customization of line items and qualifiers, and the ability to associate photos to any line item.

INetRail mobile 6
Industrial Networks has unveiled its latest platform-independent software menu, catering to a diverse range of operating systems including Windows, Android, iOS, and HoloLens. This forward-looking approach ensures seamless accessibility and usability across various devices. One of the standout features of this software iteration is its enhanced database connection capabilities, offering secure options such as ODBC, API, T-94, and FTP. In line with contemporary demands, user security has also been fortified to provide heightened protection for sensitive information and system integrity. The software's visual interface receives a notable upgrade with new icon designs that promote intuitive navigation and an aesthetically pleasing experience. Additionally, users can now personalize their interaction further through the introduction of new screen themes, adding a touch of individuality to their workflow environment. This comprehensive suite of updates underscores Industrial Networks' commitment to technological advancement and user-centric design.

CR Systems
Industrial Networks INetRail division is proud to announce the new INetRail Car Repair (CR) Systems. This system provides significant customer base needs enhanced solutions with a scalable cloud-based software design, ERP integration and hardware integration - making it an extremely powerful and beneficial solution.