Software Applications
In today’s times of remote working, having an integrated, contactless solution to keep your operation going is key. Industrial Networks specializes in creating curated solutions to help rail operations get the most out of their yard or fleet by leveraging AAR-mandated AEI technology and taking your operation paperless-no more errors, no more handwriting, and lots more efficiency in how your logistics run from day-to-day.
INetRail® Repair shop + railroad Software Applications
INetRail Mobile® and Stationary® Inventory

INetRail Mobile® Inventory allows rail operators to track which cars are in their yard, when they are there, and where exactly they are. With switch and storage locations accounted for, tracking the activities and stock in your operation has never been easier. The Inventory application allows the user to scan the AEI tag mounted to a railcar and update its location within the plant as well as set its status with fields such as Load and Hold, Bad Order, Heel, Clean, etc. Combat demurrage payments by setting alerts for certain cars, build inbound and outbound lists with just a few taps and gain powerful visibility over your facility. Additionally, INetRail Stationary® Inventory accurately verifies the arrival and departure of railcars by scanning tags as they pass by with your IN1600 Stationary AEI System.
INetRail Mobile® Inspect:
INetRail Mobile® Inspect allows users to complete all necessary activities required to inspect railcars and to send that information straight to the INetRail database. Instead of teaching your operators an entirely new inspection process, the Inspect application presents items for check and comment by using customer-provided inspection templates and replicating them in your Inspect app. If there’s anything wrong with the railcar that you need to know about, “Hot List” notifications will alert the user to any necessary repairs needed to pass the inspection. Once the user has signed off on the railcar, a permanent record of inspection is automatically created and uploaded to the INet Gateway. With no more lost inspection sheets or faulty cars being loaded, a paperless and more efficient operation is achievable.

INetRail Mobile® Photo:

INetRail Mobile® Photo utilizes the 8-megapixel camera on the INT300 tablet to allow users to take photos of railcars, products, damaged components, or whatever other operational photos they may need. To wit, these photos can be associated with a railcar, so that any information you may need regarding that car is in one place within the INet Gateway. Accessible straight from many other INetRail applications, Photo brings an extra layer of tracking railcars and product into any supply chain.
INetRail Mobile® Seals:
Many supply chain operators are familiar with security seals; they’re an integral part of many logistics operations and help ensure safety and liability requirements are satisfied in many instances. INetRail Mobile® Seals allows for simple management and tracking of security seals in your operation. Collect, change, and update seal information, see information and alerts associated with the railcar the seal is attached to, assign seal types to individual seals, and more with this simple, yet powerful core INetRail application.

INetRail Mobile® Scribe:

INetRail Mobile® Scribe allows operators to reprogram mounted AEI tags from wherever you are. By utilizing OCR (optical camera recognition) technology, the tablet’s camera reads the railcar stencil and communicates with the UMLER database in order to make the necessary changes on its record. In leveraging this powerful technology, railroads, repair shops, and manufacturers can eliminate the need to order programmed tags at higher prices or take the chance of mounting tags to wrong cars, saving both time and money and further automating existing activities into more efficient practices.