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Advantages Of A Paperless Rail Operation

Think about the last time you paid your credit card bill. More than likely, you utilized online banking in order to securely sign in to your account, see the amount you have due, and pay it off in a matter of seconds with just a few clicks or taps. But it wasn’t always this way – gone are the days of withdrawing cash, writing checks, and dealing with postage in order to handle tasks like paying your bills. In more than just personal banking, we’ve seen an explosion in companies and services utilizing paperless operations to save costs, increase speed and efficiency, and provide a more secure, error-free experience. In the supply chain universe, it’s no different.

The Right Information, Every Time

Many rail operations around the country still manage inventory by writing down railcar information as they pass into and out of the plant or facility, inviting the potential for a “4” to be entered as a “7” in the system, and causing losses of time, resources, and sometimes money. In going paperless and utilizing a railcar identification system, each car is scanned on its way into and out of a facility, guaranteeing you have the correct sequence of cars on your track each time.

Safety, Security, and Savings

Outside of the environmental impact of going paperless, a railcar identification system can incidentally increase the safety and security of your supply chain activities. Custom alerts tell operators when a car is due for inspection, when it shouldn’t be loaded, and more before they are able to complete its next activity, and volume correction calculators can enable you to maximize your railcar’s innage and potentially save thousands long-term.

Results For Your Operation

Heightening your operation’s tracking-and-tracing and automating your logistics activities can be a proven benefit to the safety and efficiency of any rail-based supply chain strategy. With the American Association of Railroads mandating AEI Tags be mounted on all freight stock in North America, more and more decision-makers see the long-term value in cutting the paper and outfitting their operation with an AEI system.

For more information on AEI and railcar tracking systems, give us a call at (833) AEI-TAGS or send us an email at

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